The 5 Biggest Feng Shui & Vaastu Mistakes Most People Make... And How to Avoid Them!

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"My husband and I have a better relationship"

 My husband and I were constantly arguing. After making the changes Rupal suggested, I saw a difference almost immediately. My husband was far less difficult and argumentative. I also noticed that my business picked up as well.

Dahlia Cohen
Silver Spring, MD

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Feng Shui & Vaastu: It's Serious Business!

The way your office is set up, where you place your desk, the colors you use, and even the lighting all have an effect on how you do business. Authentic Feng Shui can help you clear away negative energies — and energy blockages — that can sabotage efficiency, productivity and profitability. Advanced Classical Feng Shui formulas can even forecast where and when risks and opportunities might arise and what you can do to assure the greatest possible benefit. While these calculations and even basic furniture placement are tied to the unique energy makeup of you and your office, these three general principles can help you create a supportive work environment.

1. Clear away objects that sabotage energy flow. Clutter isn’t just messy; it’s a magnet for attracting negative energy. If your desk and floor are scattered with unfinished projects, papers, files and mail, energy can’t flow freely. Trapped energy either goes stagnant or builds up into a force that can make you feel jittery, overwhelmed, irritable, fatigued or depressed. In such an environment, you’ll find it’s hard to concentrate and complete tasks. Problems build up, creativity suffers and conflicts arise. Every item should have a designated home where you can find and easily access it. Take time to organize your files and use them so you don’t have to keep pieces of paper "in sight" just so you’ll know where they are. Clear the jumble from your desktop so that your eye — and the energy in your space — have calm places to rest. And don’t forget the jumble on your computer: regularly clear away unnecessary email and files.

2. Reposition your desk. A sizable and neatly arranged desk attracts power and confidence. As a general rule, the best position for a desk is in the far right corner diagonally opposite from the door with your back to the wall or catty corner to the wall. In addition, try to avoid these three situations:

Don’t put your desk in a direct line with the door. The energy coming from another office or hallway can cause discomfort. You may find yourself unable to concentrate and want to leave your desk.

Don’t sit with your back to the door. You should have a clear view of the room and office door. This gives you energetic control over the space which, in turn, attracts energies that support you in feeling capable, relaxed, and confident.

Don’t sit at a desk that places you directly under an exposed overhead beam. That beam can concentrate energies in the area right over your head. If you spend eight or ten hours at your desk, you could find you suffer from headaches and you could literally feel you are "under too much pressure."

3. Balance your office lighting. Lighting doesn’t just affect your eyes or even your mood. It also affects the energy in your office. Light – even sunlight – that is too bright creates an excessively "yang" energy that can cause agitation, conflict, and difficulty concentrating. By the same token, light that’s too dim creates an excessively “yin” energy that can produce fatigue and make it difficult to project a confident, capable presence. Feng Shui principles help balance your office’s lighting so that it’s bright enough to energize the space without disrupting harmony and concentration. Consider using natural spectrum light bulbs — they provide a more balanced light than traditional bulbs. Outfit windows with blinds that can filter and direct sunlight to prevent harsh shadows and glare. Consider desk lamps — they give you more flexibility in adjusting your overall lighting and then help balance the glare your computer screen can produce.

Looking for more tips on using Feng Shui and Vaastu to create a more productive and profitable office, check out past issues of “The Prosperity Report,” click here.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Feng Shui and Vaastu Expert Rupal Turner publishes "The Prosperity Report," a biweekly ezine that reveals Feng Shui and Vaastu secrets for a thriving business and personal life. If you're ready to improve your finances, health and relationships by using the forces in your environment, get your FR*EE tips now at