The 5 Biggest Feng Shui & Vaastu Mistakes Most People Make... And How to Avoid Them!

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Do You Make These Feng Shui Mistakes?

Thanks to the mountain of Feng Shui books on the market and an avalanche of untrained "New Age" practitioners offering so-called Feng Shui services, this ancient science has found its way into mainstream western culture. Unfortunately, the forms of Feng Shui that are practiced today are nothing like the Classical Feng Shui that flourished in East Asia for thousands of years. There might seem to be no harm in dabbling in these diluted, cheapened versions of Feng Shui, but the fact is that do-it-yourself and one-size-fits-all recommendations can actually work against you. I’ve come across so many people who follow these generic "rules" in search of having good Feng Shui, only to find that luck seems to work against them. What goes wrong? Let’s take a look at some of the common mistakes:

MISTAKE #1. Believe everything you read in feng shui books:

Many of the books available are written by authors who have little or no training in authentic or Classical Feng Shui. I personally heard of someone who received a book deal to write on Feng Shui even though she was never trained in this vast science. Her strategy? "I’ll just read a few books on Feng Shui and then put my own spin on it." Imagine the damage she could do! Even Feng Shui authors who claim to be well-trained may not actually have solid credentials – or moral scruples. In fact, some of these authors are aware that their books contain inaccurate information and yet they continue writing because their books continue selling.

The majority of "Feng Shui Lite" books address clutter clearing or placing certain objects in your so called wealth, career, romance and other life areas. But keep in mind that popularized books barely scratch the surface of Feng Shui’s complex system of mathematical and scientific environmental analysis. That’s because the power of Classical Feng Shui is in applying these complex calculations and energy-balancing principles to specific people in specific environments. This can never be simplified for mass consumption. Plus – and here’s the danger – popularized Feng Shui often catastrophizes things that aren’t really problems at all (remember the question about the placement of the bathroom in my last ezine?) while missing truly negative forces flowing through the environment. In fact, following a book’s advice to place a certain object in your wealth or romance area can actually activate negative energies.

My advice? Take Feng Shui books with a grain of salt as good guides for clearing clutter, freshening your spaces, and getting rid of any objects you don’t love. Beyond that: reader beware!

MISTAKE #2. Assume a water fountain is good feng shui:

Having a water feature in your environment is certainly soothing and uplifting. Books written by the Black Hat School of Feng Shui authors will tell you to place a water feature in the far left corner of your home. This is supposed to be everyone’s “wealth” corner, no matter which direction your house faces. But Compass School Feng Shui authors tell you something completely different — they want you to put a water fountain in the southeast "wealth corner" of your home. Both of these New Age schools are WRONG and their advice can be quite dangerous. If a water feature is placed incorrectly in an environment, it can cause gossip, sex scandals, arguments, legal problems and even criminal activity. That’s because proper water placement must factor in unseen energies and timing calculations. In some homes, for instance, the home’s natal chart — horoscope — may not be able to hold water features at all. Even a small fountain could energize exceedingly negative energies.

MISTAKE #3. Paint your front door bright red for good luck:

In Feng Shui, red is considered an auspicious or lucky color. However, depending on your specific home, too much red — especially near entrances and in bedrooms and offices can actually attract fires, accidents, separation or divorce, and even trigger major illnesses such as eye, heart, and blood related diseases as well as stomach and reproductive problems, and miscarriages. It is best to avoid large use of red, burgundy and maroon if you are at all unsure of the energy patterns at work in your home.

MISTAKE #4. Believe your Feng Shui remedies will work better if you infuse them with intention:

Feng Shui does not rely on a "placebo effect." Instead, it is more like gravity – which works whether you believe in it or not. So while it is always beneficial to have good intentions, true Feng Shui cures work no matter what you intend. I know that’s contrary to what those New Age consultants say. I suppose their reasoning is that since their "make-believe" cures don’t actually work, it’s going to take the power of your mind to attract positive energies. You wind up putting a lot of effort into something that may or may not work. Far better to rely on Classical Feng Shui to identify those gravity remedies that work no matter what.

MISTAKE #5. Place good luck objects throughout your home:

Real Feng Shui is not about decorating your home with good luck objects or mastering the "art of object placement." These are entirely New Age concepts that have no roots in Classical Feng Shui. It’s silly and superstitious to think that you need to fill your home with so-called lucky objects to create or change the energy around you. While dragon and frog figurines are symbolic in Chinese culture, they have no power to cultivate "wealth" luck. Placing lovebirds or mandarin ducks in pairs in your so-called relationship sector will do absolutely nothing to kindle romance and love. While these objects do serve to remind us of what we desire, they cannot change the energetic composition of a room and have no power on their own to bring you extra good fortune. That comes from applying authentic Feng Shui energy-balancing principles correctly.

Feng Shui has gained a frivolous reputation today because of the way people practice it. Getting real results from Feng Shui doesn’t require books, red front doors, lucky frogs or exhaustive intention. It simply requires a consultation with a Classically trained expert who can use the birthdates of both you and your home or office to calculate — and harness — the unseen energies flowing through the land, time, and space.

To read the last issue of "The Prosperity Report" which details more on heaven, earth and man luck, click here.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Feng Shui and Vaastu Expert Rupal Turner publishes "The Prosperity Report," a biweekly ezine that reveals Feng Shui and Vaastu secrets for a thriving business and personal life. If you're ready to improve your finances, health and relationships by using the forces in your environment, get your FR*EE tips now at